9 Benefits of Yoga During Pregnancy

9 Benefits of Yoga During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a beautiful experience!  And, even if you appreciate pregnancy as I do, you may know that pregnancy has an unpleasant side.  This unpleasant side of pregnancy can seem more stressful when you have other obligations like teaching homeschool, organizing your home, financially contributing to your household, etc.  Fortunately, the benefits of prenatal yoga…

5 Easy Ways to Avoid Excessive Weight Gain During Pregnancy

5 Easy Ways to Avoid Excessive Weight Gain During Pregnancy

5 Easy Ways to Avoid Excessive Weight Gain If you are reading this post, you are a lot like me.  You know weight gain during pregnancy is important in order to nourish the precious little girl or boy thriving inside you.  However, you want to avoid excessive pregnancy weight gain.  Gaining too much weight increases your…